
RSForm! Pro v3.3.7 - Creating Custom Forms for Joomla

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RSForm! Pro v3.3.7 - Creating Custom Forms for Joomla

RSForm! Pro is a must have for all web developers. With the full set of features available you can easily create the most elaborate forms for your website, starting from simple contact forms to advanced multi-page forms with dynamic content.

  • Multiple layouts: Responsive, Bootstrap 2, 3, 4, 5, UIkit 2 and 3, Zurb Foundation
  • Drag and drop grid
  • Multi-language support
  • Create forms with conditional fields
  • Unlimited emails can be configured
  • Map submissions to another database
  • Simple and flexible component for calculation forms
  • Lots of integrations available
  • Pop-up calendar with time selection
  • CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA support

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