Bookshelf Wordpress Plugin v1.2.0

Bookshelf you can use for my FlipBooks, but of course you can use for any other purposes. Another example: you can use to advertise your books that you sell on Amazon.
(3.7 Mb)
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Responsive FlipBook Plugin v2.5.0
Create any flipbook with ease. Included: Bookshelf, Popup, Zoom, FlipBook Print Extension, FlipBook PDF Extension, Table of Contents, Hard Covers, Flat Design, Custom Styles, Lazy Loading. From the

iPages Flipbook for WordPress v1.5.4
iPages Flipbook is a lightweight and rich-feature WordPress plugin helps you create great interactive digital HTML5 flipbooks.

WP-Lister Pro for Amazon v2.6.12
You want to sell your products on Amazon and your website? You’ve come to the right place. WP-Lister for Amazon integrates your WooCommerce product catalog with your inventory on Amazon.

WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates - WordPress Plugin v14.0.33
WooZone - Turn your Woocommerce Wordpress Store into a money profit generator! Advertise Amazon products on your Woocommerce website and earn advertising fees from Qualifying Purchases.

WordPress Books Gallery Premium v4.4.4
Books Gallery is the Best Books Showcase & Affiliate Plugin for WordPress which will build a beautiful mobile-friendly Book Store, Gallery or a Library in a few minutes.

Real 3D FlipBook PDF Viewer WordPress Plugin v4.9.0.7
Real3D Flipbook displays your PDF-s or images as ultra realistic 3D flipbooks inside your website. No flash needed, 100% HTML5. Easy to use.