CryptoCraft - React Native CLI Cryptocurrency Mobile App Template v2.0

20+ Components Light & Dark Mode 45+ Screens Use React Navigation 6 Login & Register Page Support multiple layout React Native Reanimated User Profile layout Multiple Header Styles.
(35.4 Mb)
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Lyft - React Native UI Kit Taxi Template
iTechNotion provides 11+ different layout screens with useful components for developing an Uber Taxi app.

Real Estate Mobile App Template with React Native v6.0
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Apps Shop UI Kit (POS) - React Native & Ionic Angular E-Commerce Templates (Grocery,Food, Fashion) v2.5
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Felix Travel is a mobile React Native app template for universal travel application or booking industry.

Foodvila - React Native Template
Foodvila - React Native Template is a component based static template for React Native and it can be build for Android and IOS App.

Workout Apps v1.1 - UI Kit, React Native, Figma (FREE), Mussles
MUSSLES is a Minimalist design UI Kit for a Workout App with 100 Light & Dark screens. has been equipped with grouping and naming for each group so that you can edit it more easily and have a