Detect Ads Blocker Add-on for LaraClassified and JobClass

Adblock optimized: The script will not be blocked by the Ad Blockers. Show an Alert Message when an Ads Blocker is detected. Easy One Click Installation, Enable / Disable plugin.
NOTE: These feature is only tested with AdBlock and AdBlock Plus for Chrome and Firefox.
(14 Kb)
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Offline Payment Gateway Plugin v3.1
Offline Payment gateway for LaraClassified and JobClass. This is not a standalone software, this is a plugin and you will need LaraClassified or JobClass to use this feature.

Corner - Movie & TV Show Download and View Script Theme
Corner - Movie & TV Show Download and view script Theme is a fully responsive theme design for Movie Download script Theme & TV Show websites.

SumoSEOTools v1.0.1 - Online SEO Tools Script
SumoSEOTools is an SEO tool script that provides tools to analyze, measure and monitor the performance of a website, helping to improve a website's visibility in search engines.

Pinky Chat v1.6 - Live Chat Support Script
Pinky Chat is smarter way to quickly handle your customer service. It’s live chat application and help desk software for your websites. - Saas Multiuser Profile Resume & Vcard Script v2.2 is a multi-user script for creating a vCard or resume website. It comes with a clean, secure, responsive, SEO friendly and attractive design that will appeal to your future employer.

oobenn v3.8.4.2 - Ultimate Instagram Style PHP Social Networking Platform
oobenn is a social networking platform with an Instagram interface. With functions hosted in oobenn is a unique script that can be used across multiple projects.