
FiboSearch Pro v1.28.1 - AJAX Search for WooCommerce

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FiboSearch Pro v1.28.1 - AJAX Search for WooCommerce

Baymard Institute’s latest UX research reveals that a search autocomplete feature is now offered on 96% of major e-commerce sites. It’s a must-have feature for every online business that can’t afford to lose customers.

What makes FiboSearch unique?

Here are the features built especially for store owners who want to sell more

Unbelievably fast

Unbelievably fast, even when you have 50 000+ products.

The average server response time is 0.15 seconds.


  • No More User Irritation
  • Increased Sales
  • Higher Conversions

Mobile friendly

Show search suggestions in overlay mode on mobile devices, just like Google or Walmart does.


  • More Sales on Mobile Devices
  • Lower Bounce Rate on Mobile
  • Wider Reach and Accessibility

The details panel

Extended product data displayed on hovering over the live suggestion.


  • Increased "Add to Cart" Actions
  • Faster Buying Decisions
  • Faster Catalog Browsing

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