Piriform Utilities Pro Portable

Piriform Utilities Pro Portable includes three utilities from Piriform Ltd., widely known for its CCleaner program.
Defraggler is a defragmenter that can work both with an entire disk and with individual folders and files. Unlike similar programs, this tool has the useful ability to quickly and easily defragment only selected files, rather than process the entire disk. After launching and analyzing the hard drive, the application will display a list of all fragmented files. It is enough to select the files of interest and you will see their location on the disk, and the program will defragment them in a few seconds.
Recuva - a small, but very effective utility for recovering files that were accidentally or intentionally deleted (lost) on computer hard drives, as well as removable media. The program was originally developed for a wide range of users, including those who do not have specific knowledge in the field of data recovery, therefore it has a convenient intuitive interface with simple settings. In addition, a step-by-step wizard-assistant has been implemented, which will prompt you step-by-step all the necessary steps to find and restore the data you need. In manual (extended) mode, you need to select the disk you are interested in, on which the data was supposedly lost, and start the scan. After analysis, the program will show a list of deleted files that were found. For each such file, you can immediately find out some information: preview (if available), type, location, size, condition (excellent, average, poor, overwritten, lost). Select the checkbox for the file you were looking for and click "Recover".
Additional features include convenient sorting of files (name, path, size, modification date, status, note), changing the display mode of information (in the form of a list, in the form of thumbnails, tree-like display), reliable (irreversible) deletion of selected files, etc.
Key features:
Speccy - monitors the hardware of the computer, and displays information about the operating system and the characteristics of the installed hardware. With the help of the program, the user can find out the version of the operating system, detailed information about the processor, operating memory, hard drive, motherboard, video card, etc. In addition, the temperature indicators of the processor and video card, as well as the operating RAM frequency and processor bus speed are displayed.