Yoast SEO Premium - WordPress SEO Plugin v24.6
Yoast SEO Premium (formerly known as WordPress SEO by Yoast) is the most complete WordPress SEO plugin that exists today for WordPress users.

Yoast News SEO v13.3
Optimize your site for Google News Tell Google about your news article Immediately ping Google on the publication of a new post Create XML

Yoast WooCommerce SEO v16.5
Start optimizing your online shop! Rank higher with your online store in Google and Bing and Pinterest.

Yoast Video SEO v15.0
Optimize your videos for the results! Show your videos in Google’s results Enhance the experience of sharing posts with videos on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Yoast Local SEO v15.5
Get more local customers Truly optimize for a local audience! Optimized address details = more people in your Store locator, opening hours and pickup option!