Tartarus Bot Ban & Crawl Control Plugin for WordPress v1.4.8.1

Tartarus in ancient Greek mythology, is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans. With this plugin, you can send bad bots that crawl your website to Tartarus and banish them from your website!
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Prometheus - User Submitted Content Plugin for WordPress v2.5.1
Prometheus is a Titan in Greek mythology, best known as the deity who was the creator of mankind and its greatest benefactor, who stole fire from Mount Olympus and gave it to us.

Wicked Block Builder Pro v1.4.4
Wicked Block Builder makes it easy to create your own custom WordPress blocks in as little as a few minutes.

Wicked Folders Pro - WordPress Media Library Folders Plugin v3.1.2
Wicked Folders Pro is the perfect tool for managing large numbers of pages and custom post types.

Super Floating and Fly Menu - Sticky, Side, One Page Navigator, Off-canvas Menu Plugin for WordPress v2.2.9
Super Floating and Fly Menu (SFFM) is a WordPress menu plugin that provides the ultimate solution to enhance the navigation functionality of your website.

Scraper v2.0.6 - Automatic Content Crawler Plugin for WordPress
Scraper is an automatic plugin that copies content and posts automatically from any web site.

Novashare - WordPress Social Sharing Plugin v1.5.9
Novashare was developed from the ground up with simplicity and performance in mind.