Xbox Framework - Custom Fields & Options Plugin for WordPress v2.4.8

Xbox is a complete and powerful framework to create beautiful, professional and flexibles Meta boxes and Admin pages or Theme Options.
Xbox Framework puts at your disposal several types of fields to build any options panel for your projects (Plugins or Themes).
Xbox Framework includes advanced features to import and export your options. Building meta boxes and admin pages has never been easier.
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Meta Box AIO v2.0.2
Meta Box AIO is a package, that allows you to Create WordPress custom fields and meta boxes in any possible combination you can imagine.

Advanced Product Fields Pro for WooCommerce v2.7.11
Advanced Product Fields Pro for WooCommerce lets you add extra options to your products, like text boxes, dropdowns, swatches, images, and more.

Wordpress Meta Data & Taxonomies Filter v2.2.8
Wordpress Meta Data & Taxonomies Filter (MDTF) is a plugin for searching and filtering WordPress content - posts and their custom types by taxonomy and metadata fields.

WordPress Awesome Import & Export Plugin - Import & Export WordPress Data v4.1.1
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Advanced Elements v1.12
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ACPT - Custom Post Types Plugin for Wordpress v1.0.193
Power up your WordPress website with the superpowers of custom post types. Build easily complex websites in minutes.