WPjobster v5.8.1 - Jobster WordPress Theme, Service Marketplace Theme

WPjobster is a WordPress theme that allows you to open your own job market and services. Your users will be able to offer their services just like they would on Envato or Fiverr by setting an hourly rate or a flat price. Also, this theme will allow you to post job advertisements like on Upwork or Kwork, and site users will be able to submit their resumes.
Admin panel
The theme offers control over every aspect of your service market. It provides for confirming services, viewing or canceling them, technical support, changing orders, newsletters, adding information about users, etc.
Services can be provided simultaneously in multiple languages.
User interface
The built-in interface offered to users allows you to post and edit information about positions, payments, personal data. From here you can view the history of transactions, manage purchase and sale services, etc.
The system has an integrated newsletter, which is available to registered users. This may be news related to the promotion of new services, which contributes to their better promotion. Managing lists is possible directly from the console, statistics are kept about all clicks, opening and reading.
Payment system
The theme provides integration with PayPall and Stripe, as well as multi-currency support. It is possible to connect any other payment system to choose from.
User notification
The theme has a system that notifies users about various actions: buying, selling, submitting a task, ordering updates, receiving feedback, etc.
Depending on the reputation, the user receives a status, or level. It is partly determined by the volume of sales. An increase in status leads to a decrease in commissions from operations. A flexible commission structure is a great way to reward and motivate sellers registered with your system.
Updating the exchange rate
The exchange rate can be changed automatically based on the Open Exchange Rates API. The rate changes daily, but it can also be set manually from the console.
User correspondence
The built-in messaging system is a very important element for various services. Here it includes a filter for email addresses, a file uploader, notifications, and more.
Service requests
A service request is an opportunity for a buyer to leave a request for which sellers can leave their offers. As noted, the feature can boost sales by 20%.
Connecting social networks
Do not neglect the possibility of integrating into the social media service. Every publisher knows about this, so they often try to provide users with the opportunity to register on the service through their profile account on social networks. It also provides this opportunity: everyone can connect to your market of services through an account of any social network.