
OSContent Pro v2.0.2 - The Best Way to Quickly Add Content to Joomla

14-05-2023, 13:03
2 214
OSContent Pro v2.0.2 - The Best Way to Quickly Add Content to Joomla

OSContent is designed for managing, adding, creating, and deleting articles, categories and menu links. OSContent is a wonderful time-saver if you need to quickly add content to a Joomla site.

With a few clicks, you create all the categories, articles and menu links you need for your Joomla site. Why waste time repeating steps over and over again, when you can do the same thing with just a few clicks?

The Pro version of OSContent allows you to quickly add Intro images and Full Article images. Plus you aget access to our fast and friendly support.

The main features of OSContent Pro:

Create and delete articles in bulk

Create up to 10 articles in a row. Optionally link each article to a menu. Also you can delete content in mass from a specific category.

Create and delete categories in bulk

Create up to 10 categories in a row. Optionally link each category to a menu.

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