News Full App v4.0 - Flutter App Android + iOS + Website

Ultimate Flutter News App (InitNews) is a Flutter full app that allows you to use your app News App for both Android/iOS, Lots of different features of this app have been developed to make a smooth user experience for all users. Prebuild apps are designed to save your time and money, with help of this app you can save 1000+ developments hours and money.
(33.9 Mb)
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Flutter Handy Service v5.0 - On-Demand Home Services & Shopping Android+iOS+Website Full Solution Laravel
Handy Service App is Flutter 3 full app that allows you to use a fully functional Handy Service for both Android/iOS and Website.

Multi Salon, Individual Appointments Booking System Full App Solution Flutter / Laravel / Angular v8.0
Multi Salon Service App is Flutter 3 full app that allows you to use a fully functional Multi Salon Service for both Android / iOS and Website, Mainly for Multi Salon.

Deco News v1.3.0 - Flutter Mobile App for Wordpress
News apps are becoming more and more popular, but not everybody has the time and resources to build their news app from scratch, especially considering the fact that apps for Android and iOS need to

Android News App v5.1.0
Android News App is a mobile news system which run under Android platform that used for your own news application.

News Hour - Flutter News App for Android & iOS with Admin Panel v6.0.2
NewsHour is a complete news app with an admin panel, built on Google's Flutter framework, and compatible with both Android and iOS.

MightyNews - Flutter News App with Wordpress Backend v4.1.0
MightyNews App is a smart Flutter news app. It contains Flutter source code and to build your news application with most useful features and eye-catching outlook.