Smart Push Notification System Pro v7.3

Smart Push Notification System Pro - complete solution to send mobile push notification messages to iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 platforms. With this system you have your own push notification system like other providers but to send with no limit so system connects directly with Apple & Google servers to send the push notification messages. It is an excellent choice for mobile applications owner and mobile development companies who want to provide this service for their mobile apps clients and gain profits so system provides a white label to brand your company.
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OneSignal v1.5 - PHP Push Notification Pane
The OneSignal REST API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of OneSignal with other applications.

66pusher - Web Push Notifications v10.0.0
Self-hosted, easy to use, lightweight and performant fully-featured web push notifications platform.

SMS Gateway v9.4.2 - Use Your Android Phone as SMS/MMS Gateway (SaaS)
Turn your mobile phone into the SMS Gateway for your applications. Send bulk SMS and MMS using your Android device SIM.

Active eCommerce OTP Addon v2.1
Active eCommerce OTP Addon system isn’t an independent system. This OTP system is available only for Active eCommerce CMS.

Active eCommerce OTP add-on v1.5
OTP system isn’t an independent system. This OTP system is available only for Active eCommerce CMS.

Cargo Pro - Courier System v7.8
Cargo Pro is software designed for companies that process packages to monitor storage and handling logistics to their final destination and manage employees and drivers so you can track your entire