Events Calendar Pro v7.4.0
Power your events for free with The Events Calendar, or upgrade to Pro to unlock recurring events, views, premium support, and more.
Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro v7.19.0
Modern Events Calendar has been created according to trending design methods and latest technology with attractive design based on practical concept of design.
Eventiva - Music & Bands Events Landing Page WordPress Theme v1.1.2
Eventiva is a premium, trendy and modern Events WordPress Theme for Event /Music with pixel perfect design, outstanding event features, fully responsive and mobile-friendly.
Events Schedule - WordPress Events Calendar Plugin v2.7.0
Simple but versatile WordPress calendar plugin, for an elegant display of your classes or events. You can choose one of the 12 schedule styles, each with different design and features.
Events Shortcodes & Block Pro for The Events Calendar v3.1.3
Events Shortcodes Pro For The Events Calendar is an addon for the Events Calendar plugin designed to add the missing shortcode functionality to The Events Calendar plugin.
Campress - Responsive Education WordPress Theme v1.33
Campress is an Education theme for WordPress. You can create a website for any education, teaching and learning company.
The Events Calendar Pro Community Events Addon v5.0.5
Accept user-submitted events on your site with Community Events, a helpful plugin that makes it easy to manage event submissions while also retaining full control over your calendar.
Meup - Marketplace Events WordPress Theme v1.8.7
Meup is not only an event template but also a directory Wordpress theme to help you create, manage and monetize a local or global directory site.
WordPress Events Calendar Registration & Tickets v2.6.0
Our WordPress Events Plugin is perfect for those that need to create seminars, events, classes, workshops, conferences, concerts, and just about any type of events for existing websites.
EM4U v1.7.5 - Event Management WordPress Theme for Booking Tickets
EM4U - Event Tickets WordPress Theme is a responsive modern template for Event Ticket, Event Theme, Conference, Event Agency, Meetup, Webinars, Business, Marketing, Ads, Music Event, Sport Event.