Leven Resume Template v1.5
Leven - Resume / CV / vCard HTML Template - A premium tool to promote yourself. Ready to look stunning on any device - from a widescreen monitor to a mobile phone. 12 Beautiful Color schemes are built in and its easy to set any color to elements such as links, buttons, menu links, etc. The template contains detailed documentation with examples, with which you can quickly and easily create your own high-quality website.
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.
Just Me - Creative Personal Resume, vCard & Portfolio HTML5 Template
Just Me is a template for creatives, photographers, designers, bloggers, resume, portfolio & vCard. It has attractive modern layout based on fullscreen and colorful design.
Ober - CV Resume HTML Template
Ober - CV Resume HTML Template is a minimal, clean & Sharp looking CV / Resume Portfolio.
Minfo v1.3 - Tailwind Personal Resume HTML Template
Minfo - Tailwind Personal Resume HTML Template. This template can be used for many purposes. It’s creative, minimal and clean design.
Spoli - Personal Portfolio Resume Template
Spoli - One Page Personal Portfolio & Resume HTML Template its suitable for Designer, Developer, Programmer, Freelancer, Artist, Photographer & Can be use for Personal website.
HARPER - Personal Portfolio HTML Template v1.0
Harper is Personal Portfolio Template specially for content writer, creative portfolio, cv, designer, developer, freelancer, graphics designer, minimal, one page portfolio, personal portfolio,