JA Uber - Responsive multipurposes Joomla Template v2.2.1

JA Uber is a universal solution for business sites, business card sites and corporate portals from the guys from the professional web studio JoomlArt. The peculiarity of JA Uber is that the developers have placed three different layouts in it, while each of the layouts is made in the Landing Page style in a light style, which makes this template one of the best solutions for business websites and websites providing services both online and offline. A template has been developed based on the T3 Framework, Advanced Custom Module and Twitter Bootstrap 3, which together allows you to significantly expand the functionality of the standard Joomla.
A feature of this template is also the fact that the developers have implemented a new extension JA Advanced Custom Module (JA ACM) into it, which will allow the site administrator to manage the location of blocks on the site in a convenient format, the same slider, galleries, tables and other content. Together with ThemeMagic and Layout Configurator, an administrator can create a full-fledged website from the administrative section practically from scratch.